Thursday, March 3, 2011

So, my sparse blogging usually consists of me going through my phone and seeing what may be somewhat entertaining. This is the randomness that I was able to come up with.

My girls and I at our recent and extremely fashionable photo shoot.
Actually, this is us just being our silly selves.

This is Max. He's not our puppy, but is a frequent visitor to our house, and he's a good little guy. This may come as a shock to some, but we had to find our last puppy (Papito) a new home. Thankfully we were able to find someone that loves and adores him, and doesn't mind his lack of potty training. I couldn't handle it any longer. Luckily, Max doesn't feel the need to mark every corner and rug in my house. Good boy.

Grandpa Mark at Christmas time!
What a handsome elf he is!
I think the facial hair makes him look quite manly, don't you?
I went on a vacation! I haven't gone anywhere in so long, and desperately needed it.
I had the best time, and can't wait for the next adventure.
If you don't know where this is, then you can sing the old rice-a-roni song, I was probably singing this in my head the whole time.


tenney_fam said...

You and your girls are so cute. I love your dad he is too funny!!

Rheslie said...

Vacations are SO important. I never new how much until recently but I love them so much! And speaking of love so much I love that tiny cute puppy! I want it! Sometimes when I see people in NY walking their dogs I want one but then I see them picking up their poop and I forget about it.

PLUS, you girls are the prettiest girls I know! SUPER PRETTY!!!!

Melanie Hahn said...

First of all, that dog is HILLarioussss!!! That hair around the eyes is to-die-for CUTE! Sad that you had to give up your lil pup, but I wouldn't be able to stand the pee either!!! Love your vaca, love you, love your girls, LOVE LOVE LOVE :) xoxo

Skousen Family said...
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natalieandderyk said...

Glad you got a vacation. :) I am anti puppy. Cute pics!

Matt said...

Wow, that vacation photo looks amazing! You must have visited the most wonderful place in the universe!!!

camilla said...

what the.....I totally just saw on Leslies blog that you are pg w/a boy?? You haven't blogged about this, and I can't know about this because you betrayed me and left facebook! Give me the dirt, sista! lol