Friday, October 30, 2009

Just fishin

When things get rough, and life gets tough.
The best thing to do is....

just a little fishin.

There's nothin better.

Have a great day.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Best buds.

We got ourselves a couple new roommates a few months ago. It's the girls wonderful Aunt Jamie and Cousin Bradley. Things have been great so far, and a lot of fun. It's nice for the girls to have a little buddy to play with, and it's great for me to have a friend around the house. Jamie and I have been able to help eachother out with the kids, which has been awesome!
The girls just love cousin Bradley (Yes, they call him Cousin Bradley, so that we can always remember our dear Uncle Brad). They have accepted him into their home as a fun playmate......and......pretty much like a brother. They have their share of occasional battles.
This morning as I was getting myself and everyone ready for the day, I heard Clara bossing that poor boy around (don't worry, she bosses us all around, you'd think with her small size, she would know not to do that). I yelled at her to stop talking like that to Bradley....and she said,
"But MOM!!! He's my best friend!!"
I don't really know why she thinks that gives her the right to boss him around.....but apparently, to her, it does. Anyway, these two are the cutest little friends, and we love having them with us.